Today is...  

Frances' Missionary Trip to Cuba
(Update by Don Jíbaro)
When my daughter Frances told me that she was going to be part of  a Missionary Trip to Cuba, I though of the sinister dangers and urban legends that has turned Cuba into the "don't go there" place. The case of the Cuban people is a most impacting one... as we have all seen and read what goes on there... how the arrogant pride of the affluent Executive leadership keep the populace virtually in squalor poverty. Enter Frances' Team from the Light and Life church of Downey, California...

Frances went as a Missionary in a large group to help the poor and teach children about hope and love towards one another.

This billboard was not put up by Castro's fan, but by the government itself as an encouragement to the people that Castro was well-welcomed as a leader


Classic cars in the pre-Castro era are abundant. To be there is like a trip back in time.


From: Frances C. Vázquez
"Hola... After a major favorable turning point in Cuba, our team started to begin our days with the reading of some texts of Paul's letter to the Ephesians..."

The Whole Armor of God
"Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared."

"In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere." —Ephesians 6:11-18

"Of course, we also had prayer time and strategy. We went out, but if we were to enter an extra "spiritually hostile" area, we would read the text  it and pray it over ourselves. We became a team of prayer.

We prayed over everything we did. Lost passports had us praying. Angry horse & buggy drivers had us praying as well. A team member sharing the gospel or praying for a person had the rest of us praying, just like the Secret Service watches the President when he's on tour.

If we had no food to eat, we prayed for God to sustain or suppress our hunger. When I fell and scraped my arm and leg, I prayed that my minor injury would not distract me from God's mission in Cuba. We learned to become absolutely dependent on God for everything. The biggest and smallest of details were covered in prayer.

That's how we survived in Cuba; in a land where we had virtually no resources... no 24hr drive-thru anything! Our time in Cuba was spent waiting on the Lord for our every move... making sure we were "covered".  Prayer is remarkable... we would have been completely lost without His day-to-day, moment-by-moment guidance.

We were saddened when it was time to return to the US, because we had developed a profound love for the many people that we were able to touch... We want to go back... in God's time, for sure."

Panchis a.k.a. Frances

One picture is worth a thousand words, no doubt. Here are some of the ones Frances was able to take to give you an idea of how life is in Cuba...

Lucky that these are not Pan Am DC-10s...

Most of the people drive the old "pre-revolution" cars. They also make their own parts.

(Country or Death) This just gives you a creepy sense of security. Period.

"El Malecón" (Waterfront) used to be the spot to hang out.

Frances takes a minute to smell the flora...

Children were so curious about the visitors from USA, that they left their shirts home.

As they pray on the street, the missionaries bring hope to the troubled minds.

The woman in blue said she was a Voodoo priestess. The missionary
 tells her that there is a bigger God that loves her nonetheless...

Frances tries to lure the peacocks. I wonder if she has something in her hand.

In the bus, ready for the next town, they pose in a relaxed mood.

Of utmost important was the prayer for the sick.

Not forgetting the assembly of the saints, they share prayer and praise.

The children were mostly impacted by participating in something just made for them.

The family that prays together, stays together.

Cuba is the home for some of the most curious vehicles in the world.
 The horse in the background certainly agrees.

Horse drawn cars are a typical sight throughout Cuba.
Look on the bicycle... three pairs of legs.

Lourdes is determined to explain God's love to the coach driver.

The team took bags of hygiene products (soaps, brushes, etc.) to give away.

How can you look at someone like this and not feel compassion?

The time was good for one last team pic before coming home.

"And the seeds sown in the good soil stand for those who hear the message
and understand it: they bear fruit, some as much as one hundred,
others sixty, and others thirty."  —Matthew 13:23

“Live in such a way that no one blames the rest of us 
nor finds fault with our work.” —(2 Corinthians 6:3)

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