Today is...  

The Empty Bed
A few years ago I was playing my guitar at home. I came upon this old tango my Dad used to quote... La Cama Vacía" (The Empty Bed). I remembered the lyrics and went on to sing it as I played. Half way through the song I began to weep. I didn't stop playing, and my singing became a cry of sadness.
With tears in my eyes, I stopped! The words were too sad, so sad that I had the image flashing in my head while my heart was pounding in my chest. I was "living" the story... the empty bed... I was so brokenhearted that I had to translate this tango into English and share it in my website. The sadness lies in "the fallacy of friendship" and the fact that the words of the song are so true... so moving that you can't avoid "living" the story.  DJ

The Empty Bed
Brokenhearted Translation by Don Jíbaro Orlando

From a  eerie hospital where he was being treated, almost in agony and surrounded by a sepulcherous silence, with the habitual tenderness which he always displayed... perhaps with painful effort, maybe not; but from his dark bed a sick friend of mine wrote me this letter...

"My dear friend, I wish that as you receive this letter, you'd be fine and that good fortune would be with you wherever you go. As for me, I could mistakenly tell you that I'm better each day but on the contrary, in my pain... laying on this wretched bed, I'm just a poor skeleton at horror by my own sight.

The letter is to convey that if you can someday... you, who always loved me so much, would come keep me company. I'm so lonely and sad that I cry almost non-stop. Nobody loves me anymore; everyone turned out to be heartless and from so many friends I have, none has come to see me.

Today I reasonably agree and in my solitude I see, that what is called friendship is nothing but an illusion. When one's doing well there are friends everywhere, but if the cruel destiny throws you into an abyss, we see that it was all a lie, and there's not really a true friend.

Well, let me say good bye and while I put a period here, receive a faithful hug from whom has always loved you dearly. And to your mom, whom I don't forget, give my best regards, show her much devotion and smother her with love. You, who have a mother... take care of her. You don't know how precious that is."

Well, come Sunday and anxious to see my faithful friend, I went into the hospital saddened and burdened. I walked silently into the place where he was supposed to be, hoping that in his bed I'd find him... but alas! I was astonished to find the bed...
E M P T Y !!!

(Oscar Agudelo)

Desde un tétrico hospital donde se hallaba internado, casi agónico y rodeado de un silencio sepulcral; con su ternura habitual, la que siempre demostró, quizá con esfuerzo o no desde su lecho sombrío, un enfermo amigo mío esta carta me escribió.

"Querido amigo quisiera, que al recibir la presente, te halles bien, y que la suerte te acompañe por doquiera. Por mi parte, mal pudiera decirte que estoy mejor, si al contrario, en mi dolor, postrado en mi lecho abjecto ya soy un pobre esqueleto que a mi mismo me da horror.

"La carta es para decirte que si puedes algún día, ven a hacerme compañía tu que tanto me quisiste. Estoy tan solo y tan triste que lloro sin contenerme, ya nadie suele quererme, todos se muestran impíos, de tantos amigos míos ninguno ha venido a verme.

"Hoy yo te doy la razón pues veo en mi soledad, que esa llamada amistad es tan sólo una ilusión. Cuando uno está en condición tiene amigos a granel. pero si el destino cruel hacia un abismo nos tira, vemos que todo es mentira y que no hay amigo fiel.

"Bueno, aquí ya me despido, y al poner punto final recibe un abrazo leal de quien siempre te ha querido. A tu mamá, que no olvido, también mis recuerdos dale, mucha devoción muéstrale y de cariños colmala... Tu que la tienes cuidala. ¡Si supieras cuánto vale!"

Llegó el domingo, y ansioso por aquel amigo leal, penetré en el hospital angustiado y pesaroso, me dirigí silencioso al lugar donde estaría que su lecho encontraría. pasado el tiempo encontré,  asombrado me quedé al ver la cama vacía.

There's nothing as sad someone
dying alone on a hospital bed —DJ


This is the bottom line

"So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails
to do it, for him it is a transgression." —James 4:17


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