Can Puerto Rico Do with Just
 6 Towns and 6 City Halls?

Puerto Rico, a little island that's only 100x35 miles, with a population of 3.5 million, give or take one or two... has 78 towns with 78 mayors, police depts., councils, hospitals, fire depts., etc. JUST imagine the cost for an island that's over 70+ BILLIONS in debt.

The city officials are not working like, say... the coal mines. They're breezing through daily chores. Welfare and Food stamps are the norm and as the ubiquitous unemployment goes up, Boricuas and moving to the USA, because th island can't provide payments for their ostentational SUVs. Everybody is in need while the officials flash $70,000 salaries, $3,000 suits and $500 shoes and ALL the ex-governors have their Secret Service entourage of "servants". ¡Qué mamey! dice Genaro !!!

Our lives are determined by our choices. We must then, choose wisely. Wisdom comes from knowing how to use the information and experiences for our own good, Most people are not wise. The Scriptures offer wisdom by giving us advice and telling us about how fools make the same mistakes over and over (ex: Book of Proverbs, Psalms,etc).

Folks don't want to be told what to do or how to do it. They repeat their mistakes. I choose to give encouragement and motivate my friends towards a better life. We all can use that kind of friendship. Most people appreciate and respect me. That's encouraging. Someone who's there that makes you feel comfortable telling them your problems, listening to you.

The world is not going to change to my liking, so I HAVE TO LEARN TO LIVE IN IT... with all the idiots and crazies... and wise men (if you can find them). My wife and my children are happy and successful because we have always make time for them.

There's no greater love that a man laying down his life for a friend. I want friends like that, and when you find them TREASURE them, because they are rare!!!



Most people are not wise. The Scriptures offer wisdom by giving us advice